I'm New
We recognize that for most people, getting connected is a process. Here are some of the main ways visitors meet new people, build life-giving relationships, and get involved.
Sunday Services
Our service features a variety of singing, prayer, testimonies, communion & a Bible-based sermon. Families are welcome to stay for the service or children can participate with KidCity and New Reality.
While the primary spoken language is English, our music is multilingual and simultaneous interpretation is offered in Spanish or Swahili. A separate Spanish sermon is usually offered as well.
Community Groups
In addition to our Sunday morning service, our church meets in small home groups of 8-12 people across the city throughout the week that we call Community Groups.
These groups are the primary way we build life-giving relationships with one another, study Scripture and live on mission together.
Lunch with the Providence Team
Every few months, we offer a free lunch after the Sunday service for all newcomers to meet our pastors, staff & to learn more about our church.
All are welcome!
Topical Workshops
Throughout the year, we offer Sunday morning workshops prior to the service. Topics include: Prayer, How to Study the Bible, Language Learning, Parenting, Racial Reconciliation, and Grief & Loss.
Two to three times a year we also offer Providence 101, our single session experience for newcomers and regular attendees who are interested in learning more about the church or formally joining as “Covenant Partners” (our term for church members).
Whenever you’re ready, we have many opportunities for volunteer ministry. These opportunities range from helping set up chairs for our service to teaching in KidCity or serving on our worship & media teams.
Additional volunteer opportunities are regularly available throughout the week!